Gross Motor Play

34 products

    Gross motor skills refer to movements that require the child’s entire body. They’re necessary for everyday activities such as sitting, standing, walking, and running. They involve a strong core and coordination, especially the eye with the body. Developing a foundation for gross motor development will lead to fewer issues as the child grows up. 

    34 products
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    Looking for Gross Motor Games for Kids That Promote Their Development?

    Gross motor skills refer to movements that require the child's entire body. They're necessary for everyday activities such as sitting, standing, walking, and running. They involve a strong core and coordination, especially hand-eye coordination. Developing a foundation for gross motor development will lead to fewer issues as the child grows up. The problem is that these activities may not be as accessible or safe as they once were.

    At Sensory Assist, we understand the importance of gross motor skills in a child's development. That's why we offer a range of gross motor skills equipment and motor skills toys aids designed to help with children's development. Our skills and development aids for children also focus on building social and emotional skills, as we believe that child development is more than just physical growth.

    Discover child development toys that aid with typical developmental milestones and support children as they develop. Explore our range of fun and engaging activities that encourage children to move and grow! Whether you're a parent, teacher, or therapist, we have the tools and resources you need to support a child's development. Shop now and have your items shipped to your doorstep anywhere in Australia.

    The solution lies in toys and activities to strengthen these muscles, improving needed skills. Sensory Assist stocks different toys to develop a child’s gross motor movements. Many options are available, each used in tandem or combinations, depending on your preference. Check out the selection today and have your items shipped to your doorstep anywhere in Australia.

    The Importance of Gross Motor Skills

    Gross motor skills tend to build upon one another and teach a child movement as they grow up. For example, a baby first learns to crawl before they can walk. From walking, they can then learn to jump and run. It’s a critical life skill. Without it, they may lose confidence and be unable to experience activities they should have in their daily lives.

    Studies also show that gross motor skills have direct ties to academic abilities. Improving them will help them learn how to write and support their body while going through classes. Students without developed gross motor skills tend to have problems writing and sitting still in the classroom.

    They cannot maximise their cognitive potential without a focus on gross motor skills. Scientists also discovered that children with gross motor challenges tend to lag in learning compared to their peers.

    Children need gross motor skills to maintain a healthy body. They teach them to maintain balance and perform complex moves, which can help them grow up. Even simple activities such as climbing stairs or getting out of bed require gross motor skills.

    We live in a world where technology has provided us with the means to help children having trouble with gross motor development. Get an array of toys and activities from Sensory Assist. Each of them will create a strong foundation for your child to help keep them physically able in the future.

    Ball play

    How Can Toys Help With Gross Motor Skill Development

    Environments such as play places and playgrounds help a child navigate and learn through experience. They work multiple gross motor skills effortlessly as they spend time there. For example, climbing up a ladder requires multiple muscle movements and coordination. As a result, they’ll develop balance, agility, strength, and more.

    However, these environments may not be accessible to all children. Some may have challenges getting into these scenarios or interacting with others. Providing them options to develop at home can facilitate their growth while keeping them in a controlled environment.

    Toys provide a way to trigger and repeat the same muscle functions needed for gross motor skill development. Here are some toys available at Sensory Assist that provide this learning:

    • Sensory Balls: Tactile items like balls allow a child to explore their senses through different textures. They’ll be able to identify the differences using their hands and feet. Apart from that, playing with these items encourages coordination and balance.
    • Puzzle blocks: Puzzle blocks are a great way to develop gross motor skills for toddlers. They learn how to grasp items and coordinate their limbs. It also helps them with colour identification and matching.
    • Bath toys: Turn bath time into a more productive activity by using toys they’ll play with as you clean them. For example, a basketball hoop and balls will teach them hand-to-eye coordination. It also teaches them to balance and improves upper body strength.

    For older children, the recommendation is to give them activities with more physical exertion. For example, teaching them how to ride a bike will improve their balance, leg movements, and weight shifting.

    Another option is to provide play areas similar to playgrounds. For example, a mini trampoline stimulates their brain as they also learn balance while playing. The same is possible for tents or tunnels, which develop coordination.

    If you’re looking for toys to help gross motor development, Sensory Assist has a wide variety available for you. So shop online and begin the journey to your child’s improvement.

    Kiddy Connects Infant Toys
    Bath Time Toys

    Giving Time for Physical Activity

    Professionals recommend at least 60 minutes of physical activity for children above six years old. Those in their younger years require 180 minutes of play spread throughout the day.

    While continuous activity can be ideal in most scenarios, separating it throughout the day will provide benefits. Here are some examples of activities parents can facilitate

    • For infants and toddlers: Crawling and walking, swim classes, water play, obstacles, varying surfaces.
    • Children: Dance, swimming, sports, skating, playgrounds, bicycle, hiking, and similar activities.

    One way to track progress is to observe the kind of movements your children can do. You may see newer actions that they were not doing before.