Imaginative Play

36 products

    All children learn through play, making it one of the most valuable activities. However, some may find it difficult to break through barriers, inhibiting their growth. Toys that stir the imagination can help your child overcome obstacles. Choosing one is all about understanding your child's wants and challenges.

    When it comes to these types of products, functionality isn’t everything. First, they must have a toy that they enjoy. The happier they are with their toy, the more their mind can get to work. You should choose these items with a desire to improve the quality of your child’s playtime rather than look for the result.

    36 products
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    At Sensory Assist, we have a wide selection of products for imaginative play. So buy your child one today, and encourage them to broaden their horizons.

    Feeling Friend Infant Toy

    Why Children Need Toys for Imaginative Play

    It’s easy to say that a child only needs some imagination to play. However, most kids who have issues in this area often struggle with social skills. If an aspect of them has not fully developed yet, they need a safer space to learn and grow. Imaginative play fills this gap, teaching them at a comfortable pace.

    Some children prefer to play alone. They want comfort and freedom during their playtime. They cannot exercise their minds and creativity freely with others because it can be hard for them to connect socially.

    Our products are a start. We help children engage and slowly expand what they are capable of when they play. Every parent who wants to develop this side of their children should invest in toys that will help build their imagination.

    Why Children Need Toys for Imaginative Play

    It’s easy to say that a child only needs some imagination to play. However, most kids who have issues in this area often struggle with social skills. If an aspect of them has not fully developed yet, they need a safer space to learn and grow. Imaginative play fills this gap, teaching them at a comfortable pace.

    Some children prefer to play alone. They want comfort and freedom during their playtime. They cannot exercise their minds and creativity freely with others because it can be hard for them to connect socially.

    Our products are a start. We help children engage and slowly expand what they are capable of when they play. Every parent who wants to develop this side of their children should invest in toys that will help build their imagination.

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    Taking It a Step at a Time

    Experts agree that having toys that engage one or more of the five senses is the best place to start. These allow a child to experience different textures, noise, and visual sensations. In addition, each of the toys we offer is playable in different ways.

    For example, stretchable and moldable toys help them think while playing. As a result, they can use their imagination and get creative with crafts. Some may try to mould items or even sculpt people they’ve encountered. Others will use it to see what they can create without reference. Children can also practice socialising with toys. For example, they can imagine talking with some of the stuffed animals we offer. Role-playing is one of the ways that children can learn how to deal with situations they might encounter later in life.

    As a parent, you are responsible for influencing and motivating your child. For example, you can teach them how to engage in pretend play, easing them into the activity.

    Adults use imaginative play activities in their lives without knowing it. If you’re dreaming about your next vacation or a promotion opportunity, your mind is at work — just like when you were younger. These toys are a tool that can help start or enhance that activity for your children.

    Mindgames weighted lap pad

    The Benefits of Imaginative Play

    Imaginative play can be one of the ways to address any unique needs your child may have. For example, children with autism may get enjoyment from organising or counting. Kids with auditory or visual impairments want to use their other senses. Children that have a lot of energy may want to use up all they can during playtime.

    Imaginative play allows them to explore and experiment. It stimulates the senses, strengthening the connections in the brain. These connections will be essential when encountering various situations as they grow up. Here are some benefits:

    • They begin to understand themselves, building a list of likes and dislikes.
    • Imaginative play can teach children how to play like others.
    • This type of play can improve coordination, motor skills, and other physical capabilities.
    • The imagination can help children express themselves and are an outlet for stress.
    • Children can learn how to react and process their emotions in a safe environment.
    • Their brains develop as they begin forming connections and understanding while they play.

    Choosing suitable products for your child is a vital piece of the process. Sometimes some toys work better than others. Whatever the case may be, all of our items have been curated to ensure that they can accommodate all types of children.

    Tips To Help Children Play

    One of the ways you can help your child learn during playtime is through observation. Some children may take longer to develop specific skills. Toys can help provide the repetition needed to reinforce development. You may find that some of your children learn better through one of these categories:


    A child learns by seeing what is around them and replicating it during play. At this point, you may notice that the child is not using toys as intended. Using toys where a child can observe and replicate your actions works best in this situation.


    If a child isn’t doing the action they’re meant to do, they need your help. Placing their hands on the toy and mimicking the action can be helpful.


    A child may need you to repeat actions several times before they can perfect them themselves.


    Sometimes, one of the best ways to teach children is by providing them with the opportunity to play with you. Interact with them and give them a chance to display their skills in front of you.