Plui Brush Sunny Plui Brush Sunny

Plui Brush Sunny

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Make cleaning fun with the bright Plui Brush Sunny sensory tool. Created for fun bath times that kids look forward to, the Sunny Brush is designed to look like a sun or sunflower with a circular bristle brush around the edges. This brush is made to be played in conjunction with the Cloudy Brush and Rain Cloud, as well as others from the Moluk range for ultimate imaginative play. 

Plui Brush Sunny Features

The Sunny Brush consists of a round, smooth plastic centre and soft bristles located at equal intervals along the circumference. The sun design can be added to a base or used as a sun in combination with the other characters to create a magical illustration of the water cycle. Bath time can be a learning experience too.

Sunny Brush Specifications

This playful accessory is made from safe, high-quality materials that are PA, latex and phthalate free. The body is made from ABS and the bristles are nylon, which means it's easy to keep clean and hygienic. The Plui Sunny Brush is ideal for ages 3+ and is 9cm in diameter. It is best used in combination with the other Moluk family, including Oogi, Nello and Cloudy, for fun storytelling games.

Plui Sunny Brush Benefits

This bath accessory is not only made for fun, but kids with sensory requirements benefit greatly from this clever tool. The bristles provide tactile feedback and input that is soft and soothing. The Sunny Brush is a great option for anxious children or those needing calming routines. It can be rolled along the arms and legs using the rounded smooth surface or along the bristles for a different input. Additionally, children who resist bath time will start to enjoy it thanks to these characters' creative aspects. Other benefits include:

  • Enhancing creativity and learning
  • Implementing an enjoyable bath experience
  • Applying sensory input
  • Reducing agitation and anxiety

Get the Plui Brush Sunny to create a playful bathing experience.

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