Silver Magic Coil Spring Silver Magic Coil Spring

Silver Magic Coil Spring

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Rediscover one of the most popular trends during the 80s with the Silver Magic Coil Spring. This fun and fascinating spring toy does more than just slink down the stairs. It encourages hours of exploration and is excellent for developing young minds. 

The Slinky Scientific Marvel

Explore the rules of physics and gravity with this metal weighted sensory toy. First, play with one or two hands and listen to the gentle tinkling sound it makes as it's moved from side to side or positioned to move independently. Then, place it at the top of the stairs and watch as it stretches, reforms itself, and moves end-over-end. 

Full of Tricks

This fun coil spring performs a number of tricks. Try putting the spring in one hand and then transferring it from hand to hand. Or how about playing with it like a yo-yo? Take the spring in one hand and then let one end drop and spring back to you. Move it around in different configurations to see how it moves. Younger children also love dropping objects through the top of the spring and seeing them fall out of the bottom. It even looks great on a table or desk placed end-to-end in an arch shape. 

Plenty of Sensory Fun

This super stretchy spring offers plenty of fun, especially for those with sensory needs, such as ADHD, Autism, and ADD. The spring is light in weight, stretches easily safely and makes a pleasing sound when moved around or sent on its way down a set of steps. It's also great for teaching cause and effect rules of motion. 

Plenty of Sensory Fun

Whether you stretch, walk, roll, or bounce down the stairs, the Silver Magic Coil Spring offers endless fun. Fidget toys like this are great for releasing restless energy and can also help with active listening, self-regulation and focus. So order yours today and discover a world of springy fun. 

Who didn't love a slinky in the '80s? A lovely metal weighted one or two-handed sensory tool to fidget with. The gentle tinkling sound is quite soothing also.

Approx 6cm in diameter, 5 cm high & 8 cm in circumference.

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